Wednesday, September 5, 2007

2. What is Real? (View and Respond)

View the following clip as many times as you like.

Write a
Comment to this Post using the following prompts:
- Describe the visual effects in your own words.
- Describe anything you don't understand.
- Describe how this might inspire you to create your own special effects.

HINT: You may want to write the
comment in Word and then copy and paste it into a Comment to this Post.


sam said...

I found the way that the people working on the movie modified the speech scene was great. The way they disguised the crowd seemed to work out really well. The football scene seemed to show a lot of creativity on how they pasted everything together. It showed that it was easier. It was easier because they didn’t have to hire a bunch of people to play apart of the crowd. I found when they shot the ping pong scene they used a lot of different camera shots that were interesting. The director really knew what he was doing with the other shots as well.
From Sam

Irakli said...

This is very interesting because you would never guess that some of this stuff in this movie is animated. It was very well done and iv learnt a thing or two.

musselman said...

I like how in the football scene they only actually only had a couple hundred people in the audience, but then they computer generated more people to fill up the rest of the seats. Also in that scene, I thought it was cool when Forest was running through the tunnel in slow motion. And, I also liked the ping-pong scene and they had the different camera angles that went close up and you felt like you were the other player playing ping-pong

Matt C said...

I found how they did the different shots interesting because the people had to constantly add in different people and how they were able to do the different shots. What I also found interesting was ground shots and how different things had to be added in and how different things were fake and some real.

Sammy said...

The thing that really amazes me is that in this movie you don’t even realize that one group is every group and how they blended in so well with one another to really look like a crowed.
The thing that I would really like to know is how do you and another story to a stadium? I could even imagine how to do that.
How do you create birds? Wouldn’t it be hard to create the movement and rhythm? That was pretty cool.

rwengle said...

The scenes i just watched were so awsome, I never wqould have thought that it was so percise and complecated to do thyose scenes.I also would have never thought that some parts of a lot of the scenes werent real.