Monday, September 10, 2007

5. Genetic Engineering Gone Awry (Intro)


A. Examine the blog to ensure we understand all the blog's elements and features. (We will use the SmartBoard to make it explicit.)

B. Genetic Engineering Gone Awry

Create a new picture using Photoshop of an animal that doesn't exist.

Keep notes as I demonstrate the STEPS.

1. Create a folder called Genetic Engineering Gone Awry.
2. Create a folder inside that called Source Images.
3. Choose and download some number of source images.
4. Create a New Photoshop file - dimensions 8 X 10 (horizontally or vertically).
5. Open one of your source files and select the picture element. Copy and paste it into your New PhotoShop file.
6. Save your file now. Call it "YourName UnReal Animal".
7. Do Step 5 with the other source files.

Save your work frequently.
Revisit the Cool Merged Pictures as necessary - just to see them for ideas.

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