Friday, November 23, 2007

2. InDesign Portfolio Investigation

Create a Four Page Portfolio in Adobe InDesign

Now that you have learned the basics of InDesign, this formative project will help you to understand how well you can do the task.

Create a four (4) page portfolio of your best work to date.


- Four Pages
- Table of Contents
- Title Page
- Three pages of content
- Navigation elements

- Your artwork must be titled and 'described'.


Digital Portfolio Rubric



Above Average





Portfolio Appearance






Readable - Is there enough contrast between the background color and the text color to make the portfolio easy to read?






Professionalism - Is the appearance of
the portfolio professional? Are the graphics, colors and portfolio
language consistent with professional workplace expectations?






Organization - Is the portfolio organized in a manner that makes it easy to follow and easy to quickly locate vital information?






Portfolio Content and Function






Links - Do all the portfolio links function properly?






Content - Are there functional links to all essential portfolio content areas?

Resume, Activities List, Letters of Reference, Skills and Abilities,
Academic References (Transcript, Report Cards), Awards, Work Samples.






Authenticity - Are the samples and illustrations a true reflection of the student’s efforts and abilities?






Portfolio Presentation






Speaking - Did the students speak clearly at a pace and volume so the audience could clearly understand what was being communicated?






Eye Contact and Body Language- Did the student make appropriate eye contact with the audience and maintain appropriate body posture?






Questions - Did the student appropriately and confidently address audience questions?






Overall Portfolio Impact






Is this Portfolio an asset in demonstrating the student’s value
(skills, abilities, knowledge) to a potential employer or college







Evaluator Signature

Student Signature


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

1. Getting Into InDesign!

Adobe InDesign is 'Page Layout' software.
You have incredible control over your pictures and text!

Today you will learn to:
- create a new InDesign document
- place images
- manipulate images (shrink, stretch, frame, and fit)

These are the tools you will learn:
- Selection Tool
- Direct Selection Tool
- Right Click - Fitting
- File -> Package
---and others you discover along the way!

Your pictures must be stored on a drive.
You must use the PLACE command to add pictures to your document.

NOTE: When done your document, you must then PACKAGE your file. This consolidates (brings together) all your images to one location on your drive. (This is almost the same as Saving a Movie File as compared to the Moviemaker project.)

Make a one page collage covered with images that you have intentionally placed!

1. Open InDesign.
2. Make a new document. (File --> New --> Document
3. Decide on a theme. (people, faces, cars, peace, justice, information technology, fashion, etc.)
4. Collect your images from wherever.
5. Use the Place command to add each picture. Format as required.
6. When you are finished, Package the document. (File --> Package)

Monday, November 5, 2007

6. PAGE - Reflections



How impressive are we?

It is time to reflect on your successes and areas you'd like to strengthen.

1. Create a new post and respond to the following prompts. (Copy and paste these if you'd like.)
a) I am thrilled with my work because...
b) I never thought I...
c) The things that were most difficult...
d) Here is a list of all the steps, in sequence, of how I accomplished this project: